
The INternational CongRess on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI cEntury – INCREaSE 2023 is a congress with the aim to bring together valuable and novel scientific contributions to the sustainable development in a multidisciplinary way, addressing the critical issues of renewable energy, sustainable building, sustainable manufacturing, sustainable food production and other sustainable science and engineering topics that have an impact in this diverse and fast-changing research area, both in academia and industry. This 3rd edition of INCREaSE will be an hybrid event, held during July 5-7, 2023, in the coastal historical city of Faro, Algarve, Portugal, at the Institute of Engineering, University of Algarve, Penha Campus.


Conference Topics

The Call for Papers and Abstracts PDF file can be found HERE.

The scope of the conference will cover, but will not be limited to, the following topics:

  • Big data and data analytics applied to sustainability
  • Climate change and mitigation, carbon reduction
  • Combined heat and power and district heating systems
  • Control and optimization of renewable energy systems
  • Energy and environmental assessment in buildings and cities
  • Food loss and food waste solutions
  • Food safety and quality engineering
  • Information technology and artificial intelligence applied to sustainability
  • Nanoelectronic, nanomachining, and new nanomaterials
  • Smart buildings, smart cities, smart districts, smart countryside
  • Sustainability in water management
  • Sustainable building technologies
  • Sustainable development and circular economy
  • Sustainable energy generation and management
  • Sustainable food processing and packaging
  • Sustainable manufacturing and maintenance processes and technology
  • Sustainable technologies for risk mitigations
  • Sustainable transport, smart vehicles and smart roads
  • Thermo fluids modelling and experiments for sustainability
  • Special Sessions:
  • Challenges and opportunities for a sustainable water management (Call for Papers)
  • Technological advances in construction sustainability (Call for Papers)
  • Important Dates


    Full Paper (indexed) and/or Abstract (non-indexed) submission deadline: March 12th, 2023 March 28th, 2023 (extended)

    Notification of acceptance: April 9th, 2023 May 2nd, 2023 (extended)

    Final paper/abstract submission deadline (peer-reviewed version, for publication): May 7th, 2023 May 31th, 2023 (extended)

    Early bird registration deadline: April 14th, 2023 May 31th, 2023 (extended)

    Regular registration deadline: June 30th, 2023

    Conference and onsite registration: from 3 to 7, July, 2023


    Authors can participate in INCREaSE 2023 with:

  • Accepted full papers will be invited to present (in-person or online) a 15-minute oral (preferable) or poster presentation and will be indexed by Springer. The proceedings will be part of the Book Series "Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology"
  • Accepted abstracts will be invited to present (in-person or online) a poster and will be non-indexed.
  • New and unpublished works MUST BE SUBMITTED HERE (using Meetinghand services) until March 28th 2023 (considering Coordinated Universal Time – UTC).

    Final versions of accepted works, for publication, should be sent by email to increase2023@ualg.pt


    The format of the paper must be compliant with Springer format for proceedings.

    Authors should take into consideration the following guidelines:

  • In order to facilitate the double-blind paper evaluation method, authors are kindly requested to produce and provide the paper WITHOUT any reference to any of the authors, including the author’s e-mails and affiliations, the acknowledgements section of the paper and any other reference that may disclose the authors’ identity.
  • Templates can be found at https://www.springer.com/gp/authors-editors/conference-proceedings/conference-proceedings-guidelines.
  • Authors should use one of the templates, obtained from the above link: Word or LaTeX.
  • Following the guidelines and paper format for Springer, full papers should have from 10 to 20 pages.
  • All papers will be checked to avoid plagiarism.

    Each paper will be peer-reviewed, by at least two members of the Scientific Committee, and accepted based on its originality, scientific significance and clarity.


    Non-indexed participations with only abstracts (max. 250 words and 5 keywords) should use the following TEMPLATE.


    For posters please use the following TEMPLATE.

    Posters should have an A0 size, printed with a vertical orientation.


    To propose Special Sessions please USE THIS LINK and send your proposal until January 10th, 2023 (CLOSED)


    Each registration can only publish/present one accepted work in the congress.

    Registration fees Early bird Regular On site
    Virtual attendee fee 100 € 200 € 250 €
    Discount fee * 200 € 350 € 400 €
    Regular fee 350 € 500 € 550 €

    * The Discount fee applies to students and Committee members.


    The registration in the Workshop on "Water and Local SDGs" is free of charge and has a separate registration form: Please REGISTER HERE! Note that this workshop will be in Portuguese.


    Organizing Committee
  • Jorge Semião, University of Algarve and INESC-ID, Portugal
  • Nelson Sousa, University of Algarve, Portugal
  • Rui Cruz, University of Algarve and MED, Portugal
  • Gonçalo Prates, University of Algarve and IGOT - University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Damian Bęben, Opole University of Technology, Poland
  • Irene Albertos, University of Valladolid, Spain
  • J.David Bienvenido-Huertas, University of Granada, Spain
  • Jooyeoun Jung, Oregon State University, U.S.A. 
  • Juan Gutierrez-Estrada, University of Huelva, Spain
  • Pedro Coelho, IST - University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Raúl Martin-Garcia, University of Cádiz, Spain
  • Víctor Muñoz-Martinez, University of Malaga, Spain

    Scientific Committee

  • Alexander Martín-Garín, University of País Vasco, Spain
  • Ana Carreira, University of Algarve, Portugal
  • Ana Filipa Ferreira, IST - University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • António Fernando Sousa, University of Algarve, Portugal
  • Antonio Illana, University of Cádiz, Spain
  • António Saraiva Lopes, IGOT – University of Lisbon and International Association for Urban Climate, Portugal
  • Carlos Álvarez, Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ireland
  • Carlos Otero Silva, University of Algarve, Portugal
  • Carlos Rubio-Bellido, University of Seville, Spain
  • Clauciana Schmidt Bueno de Moraes, UNESP, Brazil
  • Cristiano Cabrita, University of Algarve, Portugal
  • Cristina Torrecillas-Lozano, University of Seville, Spain
  • Damla Dag, Oregon State University, U.S.A.
  • Daniel Sánchez-García, University Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
  • Fátima Farinha, University of Algarve, Portugal
  • Gil Fraqueza, University of Algarve, Portugal
  • Inmaculada Pulido-Calvo, University of Huelva, Spain
  • Ivone Alejandra Czerwinski, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Centro Oceanográfico de Cádiz, Spain
  • Jânio Monteiro, University of Algarve and INESC-ID, Portugal
  • João Gomes, University of Algarve, Portugal
  • Joaquín Gómez-Estaca, Institute of Food Science Technology and Nutrition, Spain
  • Jorge Isidoro, University of Algarve, Portugal
  • José Enrique Díaz, University of Cádiz, Spain
  • Krzysztof Drozdzol, Opole University of Technology, Poland
  • Long Chen, Cornell University, U.S.A.
  • Manuela Moreira da Silva, University of Algarve and CIMA-ARNET and CEiiA – COLAB Smart and Sustainable Living, Portugal
  • Maria Rossella R. Massimino, University of Catania, Italy
  • Miguel Oliveira, University of Algarve, Portugal
  • Miguel Suffo Pino, University of Cádiz, Spain
  • Muriel Iten, ISQ, Portugal
  • Pedro J. S. Cardoso, University of Algarve and LARSyS, Portugal
  • Qingyang Wang, Oregon State University, U.S.A.
  • Remedios Cabrera Castro, University of Cádiz, Spain
  • Roberto Laranja, University of Algarve, Portugal
  • Rossana Villa Rojas, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, U.S.A.
  • Tomasz Maleska, Opole University of Technology, Poland
  • Keynote Speakers

    The Keynote Speakers are:

    Prof. Enrique Cabrera-Rochera

    Enrique Cabrera Jr. has over 20 years of experience in the field of management of urban water services. His PhD thesis dealt with performance assessment of drinking water services, and more especifically performance indicators and benchmarking. He is co-author of the IWA Manuals of Best Practices on Performance Indicators for Water Supply Services and Benchmarking. Currently, he is the Vice President of the International Water Association, sitting in its Board of Directors and chairing IWA Publishing. He is also chair of the IWA Benchmarking and Performance Assessment Specialist Group. Additionally he has played a key role in the drafting of the ISO 24500 standards on water services, where he acted as convenor of Working Group 2 (which drafted the ISO 24510 standard) and member of the Coordination Group. Enrique is a Full Professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia where he lectures on Fluid Mechanics and currently serves as vice-dean of the Industrial Engineering Faculty.

    Title of the talk: "Digitalization and the sustainability of urban water services"

    Scheduled for: July, 5th, 9:40am

    Enrique Cabrera

    Prof. Paulo Brito

    Paulo Sérgio Duque de Brito has a degree in chemical engineering, Processes and Industry specialization, in the Technical Superior Institute; has a master’s degree in “Corrosion Science and Engineering” by UMIST, Manchester University; is a PhD in Chemical Engineering, by the Superior Technical Institute in the electrochemical – on fuel cells. He has also an MBA – Master of Business and Administration. Currently, he is Full Professor of the Superior School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre (IPP). Is coordinator of the research centre VALORIZA – Research Centre for Endogenous Resource Valorization and the Coordinator of the Master Technologies for Environmental Valorization and Energy Production. The main areas he investigates are related with Bioenergy, waste environmental treatments, materials corrosion and energy galvanic production. He has published more than 300 works, in books, articles and conferences presentations.

    Title of the talk: "Hydrogen and renewable gases production from waste and biomass"

    Scheduled for: July, 6th, 9:00am

    Paulo Brito

    Prof. Jorge Saraiva

    Jorge A. Saraiva is Associate Professor at the Chemistry Department of the University of Aveiro, where teaches Food Science and Technology, Food Biotechnology, Applied Biotechnology, Biochemistry Laboratoty, and Biocatalysts since 1998 and is Diretor of the BsC in Biotechnology. He published more than 300 scientific papers, 20 book chapters, among other publications, being recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher from Clarivate Analytics in 2021 and 2022 in the area of Agricultural Sciences and received an Honorable Mention in the area of Sciences in the scope of the Researcher Award of the University of Aveiro in 2021 and was Secretary of Nonthermal Processing Division (NPD) of IFT. He is a member of the Scientific Council of Clube de Produtores do Continente (Sonae Group), of the Advisory Board of INOVLINEA of Tagusvalley - Tecnopolo do Vale do Tejo and representative of the University of Aveiro in the Fiscal Council of PortugalFoods. Currently, his most active research area is in the field of using pressure for food preservation, particularly for nonthermal food pasteurization and hyperbaric storage.

    Title of the talk: "Pressure for food nonthermal pasteurization and hyperbaric storage as a variable for more sustainable food preservation"

    Scheduled for: July, 7th, 9:00am

    Jorge Saraiva


    The final program at a glance is:


    The complete and detailed program is available for download HERE, or just click on the program image above.

    The program for the workshop for "Water and Local SDGs" is available HERE. Note that this workshop will be in Portuguese, for local entities and companies, free of charge and opened to everybody, but a registration is recomended (Please REGISTER HERE!).


    Information for Participants

    Oral presentations:

  • In-person presenters
  • Authors should prepare a 15 minutes oral presentation and send to increase2023@ualg.pt the PPT or PDF file with the presentation until June, 26th.

  • Online presenters
  • Authors should prepare a 15 minutes oral presentation, record the presentation in a video file up to 15 minutes maximum, and send to increase2023@ualg.pt the vídeo and PPT file until June, 26th.

    Also, please download and read the guidelines for virtual/online participants.

  • All authors of accepted full papers

    IMPORTANT: download, fill and sign the copyright form, and send it to increase2023@ualg.pt until June 30th.

    Poster presentations:

  • In-person presenters
  • Authors should prepare a A0 poster and bring to the conference, and it will be made available for all to see at the conference hall and during all the conference days.

    Authors should also prepare a 4 to 6 slides' presentation, record the presentation in a video file up to 5 minutes maximum, and send to increase2023@ualg.pt the vídeo and PPT file until June, 26th. This format will allow the work to be presented to all virtual attendees.

  • Online presenters
  • Authors should prepare a 4 to 6 slides' presentation, record the presentation in a video file up to 5 minutes maximum, and send to increase2023@ualg.pt the vídeo and PPT file until June, 26th. The work will be presented in a special poster session to virtual and in-person attendees.

    Also, please download and read the guidelines for virtual/online participants.

    Templates to prepare presentations (not mandatory):

  • Oral presentations, online or in-person, can use the template for slides.
  • Poster presentations can use the template for poster and the template for slides (4 to 6 slides, 5 minutes maximum).
  • Instructions on how to prepare presentations:

  • Video recording guidelines available in microsoft web page.
  • Guidelines to Virtual participants:

  • Download and read the guidelines for virtual attendees.
  • Social Evensts:

  • To allow INCREaSE'23 organization to manage transportation needs and promote sustainable practices, please tell us the events you plan to attend at the conference by answering this QUESTION FORM.

    Social Events

    Wednesday, July 5th

  • Welcome reception
  • Visit to the Islamic Baths and the Barreto Stately Home in Loulé, with a cocktail at Loulé Castle ruins.

    Thursday, July 6th

  • Gala dinner
  • Gala dinner at Hotel EVA in Faro.

    Friday, July 7th

  • Conference party
  • Party with ticket and access to Faro Rooftop festival "Açoteia". The party will begin at 18:00 on Tertúlia Algarvia Restaurant, downtown Faro, with some drinks and finger food, and after 19:30 people are invited to hear some live music in one of the 40 roof-tops ot "Açoteia" Festival (see the program for the shows and artits on the link).

    Slideshow with fotos from INCREaSE'23.

    Send us your fotos from the event and we will make them available here.


    Information & Venue

    INCREaSE 2023 will take place in Faro, the administrative, social and commercial capital of the Algarve.

    The Algarve, located in South Portugal, is a well-known touristic region. With a Mediterranean climate, this region is perfect for summer holidays. Some of the best and most beautiful beaches in the world can be found here, making the Algarve a favourite for holiday makers.

    See more information about Faro at the Municipality of Faro website and watch some promotional short-videos about the Algarve: "Rebond, Rediscover, Relax... in Algarve", "Algarve Craft & Food", "The Algarve looks good on you".


    You can travel to Faro by plane, train or bus. Faro International Airport is served by several major airlines. The distance between Faro International Airport and the city of Faro is about 5 km. The city can be accessed by taxi or by bus. Faro bus and railway stations are located 2-5-minute walk from the city centre.

    Faro has a wide choice of accommodation suitable for every budget, from 4-star hotels to hostels.


    INCREaSE 2023 will be held at the “Complexo Pedagógico”, of the Penha Campus, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal.

    Please use this LINK from Google Maps to navigate to the Conference location.

    Going from the Faro Airport to the Penha Campus:

    Faro airport distances 8 km from the Penha Campus. The trip takes approximately 11 minutes by car. You can take a taxi or rent a car.

    Going from Faro Airport to the city center:

    From Faro Airport to the city center, you can take a taxi, rent a car or take a bus. PROXIMO bus lines 14 and 16 operate from Faro Airport from 05:00 h to 23:00 h. The 20-minute bus ride to Faro is frequent and affordable (€2,40 single fare). For more information, visit www.proximo.pt.

    Going from the City Centre to the Penha Campus

    The “Complexo Pedagógico” building at Penha Campus is located around a 20 minutes walking distance from the city centre. Bus line 18 connects the central bus station (near Hotel Eva) to Penha Campus. GPS: 37°01’42.4″N 7°55’28.4″W

    Proceedings and Abstracts


    Accepted papers will be published by Springer in a book of Proceedings (and indexed). The proceedings will be part of the Book Series "Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology"


    Accepted abstracts (for poster presentations) will be made available here in a Book of Abstracts (non-indexed).



    The information about the 2nd edition of INCREaSE, is available in http://increase.ualg.pt/2019/.


    The information about the 1st edition of INCREaSE, is available in http://increase.ualg.pt/2017/.


    Have you got any question? You can write us.

  • For any question or issue please use the email address increase2023@ualg.pt

    Postal Address

    INCREaSE 2023
    ISE, Universidade do Algarve
    Campus da Penha
    8005-139 Faro